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All Under Sin - Romans 3:8


[Editor: The questions of the introduction have been arranged
according to the numbers assigned them rather than in the order that
McGarvey seems to have written them.  He seems to have intended to
preach the points in the numbered order.]

   1. Meetings, with their prayers & entreaties? 
   2. Churches, with their labor & expense? 
   3. Why the Bible, with the sufferings of authors & defenders”? 
   4. The awful scenes of calvary? 
The answer in our text: “all under sin”?

I.    Is the Answer True? 
      a. Look not, of murderers et cet. [etc.] but of all in all land; of every one of us.
      b. The answer of our hearts, in solemn hours, & before God; —of every man, when
           disguise & pretense [are] laid aside.
      c. The answer of the Bible.
II.   Why so Serious a Matter?
       a. The pain that it gives the sinner himself—the murderer, the drunkard, the thief, the
           mere sinner
      b. The pain it inflicts on others. Some examples
      c. [Editor: Point c with the words, “The wrath of God” are crossed out.]
     d. Impossibility of undoing the deed once done, or wiping out the guilt.
     e. Certainty that it must follow us into eternity: seen in the experience of the dying.
         —confirmed by God’s word: this [will be the] theme of the next sermon.

Conc[lusion]. If this life were all, the loudest call of the soul would be for deliverance from sin.-- how, shall we yet show; if any know it already, let them come.


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