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              Sermons By Clennie Johns
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Clennie Johns, born on May 10th 1918, preached the gospel for many years, from 1949 until 1994. He recently passed away on January 5th, 2014 four months shy of his 96th birthday. As my dad, he was a man who "walked the talk." Many have told me that he was one who "led by example." On this page I hope to make available some of his sermons which he presented when I was growing up in the Louisville, Kentucky area. In the Louisville area my Dad preached for some of these congregations: Atwood, Beechmont (later as Steedley Drive), Bardstown Road, Bonaventure Blvd., Corydon church of Christ, Salem church of Christ, Taylor Blvd. church of Christ, Van Buren church of Christ, to name a few. Most of his sermons were delivered for the Salem and Van Buren congregations. May you use these sermons to bring God the glory and to save souls for the Master! Clennie wrote a short commentary on the book of Acts during his days at Pepperdine and Harding Universities. As I find time, I will make his notes on Acts available on this website. Perhaps even a version for the e-Sword Bible Program...


Jan 28th, 2014--Just discovered a notebook with dozens of my Dad's sermon outlines. Hope to make these available to you soon! --Mark Johns-- Outline 014 below is one of these I have just come across. I remember my Dad preaching such sermons as this back in the early 1960's. Hope you enjoy them...




001- Thou Hast Destroyed Thyself
002- Words Against The Lord
003- Motherhood At Its Best (Proverbs 31:28) This is a good one!
004- Receiving God's Word
005- The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32)
006- He Went Away Sorrowful (Beechmont on 11/24/63)
007- Prices We Pay (Salem 7/73)
008- The Potter and the Clay (Salem 1/72 and Van Buren 2/86)
009- Judas Iscariot
010- The Shepherd Psalm (Salem 2/72 and Van Buren 8/78)
011- Pour You Out A Blessing (Mal. 3:10; Josh. 4:6)
012- The History of the Apostle Paul (Sermon Starter)
013- Aim for the Good Life (Van Buren 09/87)
014- Ye Do Err Not Knowing The Scriptures (Beechmont 9/29/63, Salem 9/73 and Van Buren 1/85
015- Remember Lot's Wife (Luke 17:32 -- Steedley Drive 5/67)
016- Christian Disposition (Salem 10/72 and 10/74; Van Buren 11/76, 1/80)
017- Fruitfulness (Matt. 7:15-20 - Van Buren - Not sure of the date)
018- The Fall of Jericho (Heb. 11:30 - Beechmont 4/5/63 and 10/65)
019- Christ Rebuked Traditions of Men (Beechmont 8/18/63; Salem 7/74)
020- The Righteous are Scarcely Saved (Steedley 8/66; Salem 8/73; Van Buren 10/76)
021- Work Out Your Own Salvation (Beechmont 3/22/64; Steedley 7/66; Van Buren 10/76)
022- The Judgment Day (Matt. 25:31-46; Heb. 9:27)
023- CHRISTIAN (Acrostic) (Beechmont 7/7/63)
024- If I Am Lost? (Salem 9/72 and 10/74)
025- An Honor to be Called Chicken (Salem 9/72; Van Buren ?/??)
026- You Can't Fool God (Acts 5:1-11)
027- Christ On Trial (Matt. 27:21-23)
028- SIN (Van Buren 4/76)
029- Weighed In The Balance (Daniel 5:27 - Beechmont 5/26/63; Van Buren 4/76)
030- Is The Devil A Fool?
031- Psalm Chapter One
032- Unity of the Church
033- Jonah: "DOVE"
034- Ecclesiastes
035- A Living Sacrifice
036- The Christian Warfare
037- The Blood of Christ (Beechmont - Date uncertain)
038- Christian Growth (2 Peter 1:1-11)
039- Humility (2 Chron. 7:14)
040- Things That Are An Abomination Unto God
041- Worship In Spirit and Truth (John 4:23-24)
042- Bible Only Source of Authority (Matt. 17:5)
043- REST (Matt. 11:28-29; 2 Thess. 1:7)
044- Can One Be Saved Out of the Church? (Acts 20:28)
045- Christ The Friend of Sinners (1 Tim. 1:15-17)
046- A Walk Pleasing To God (1 Thess. 4:1-2)
047- The Devil and His Devices (2 Cor. 2:11)
048- Nehemiah (Neh. 1:4-9)
049- The Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:3ff)
050- Paul's Sermon On Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-32; 1 Cor. 10:14)
051- PERSONAL EVANGELISM (Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15)
052- All Must Face Death (2 Tim. 4:6-8)
053- The Priesthood of Christ (Heb. 7)
054- Diligence (2 Peter 3:14)
055- Cure of the man born blind (John 9)
056- The Bibe and Conscience
057- Simon Magus (Acts 8:5-24)
058- First Missionary Journey (Acts  13 & 14)
059- Identifying The True Church
060- Philemon
061- Divisions (1 Cor. 1:10-15)
062- Man (Psalm 8:4)
063- The Blueprint For Happy Living (Sermon On Mount-Mat. 5-7)
064- Baptism (Matt. 28:19)
065- Dream Sermon (Eph. 3:8)
066- Influence (Reference: Nave's Topical Bible)
067- Samuel Warns Israel (1 Sam. 8:6-20; 12:20-25)
068- The Thief On The Cross (Luke 23:32, 39-42, 45)
069- Casting Pearls Before Swine (Matt. 7:6)
070- Daniel (Meaning)
071- Jesus Transfigured (Matt. 17:1-9)
072- What It Means To Receive  The Word (Acts 2:41)
073- I Am A Debtor (Rom. 1:14-15)
074- FLEE! - Follow - Fight! (1 Tim. 6:6-12)
075- The Power of the Word (Heb. 4:12)
076- The Word of God (1 Peter 1:23)
077- The Tater Family (Phil. 4:8)
078- The Power of the Word (Heb. 4:12)
079- Handle With Care (Van Buren 7/84)
080- Beware (2 Peter 3:17 - Van Buren 1/85) 

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