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Church: Authority of the Church



I. The Source of Authority --God Speaking Through Christ:
     1. Heb. 1:1-2 -- New Testament Message and Messenger contrasted with old.
     2. Jn. 1:17 -- Moses the lawgiver in Old Testament period -- Christ in the New.
     3. Matt. 11:27 -- God revealed through Christ.
     4. Jn. 5:26-27 -- Authority given to Christ.
     5. Jn. 17:7-8 -- Christ‘s message from God -- Jn. 12:49-50.

II. We Are To Be Governed Today by the Authority of Christ, not Moses and the Prophets:
      1. Acts 3:19-23; Mark 9:28 -- "Hear ye Him."
      2. Matt. 5:21-22; 5:27-28 -- "But I say unto you."
      3. I Cor. 9:21 -- "Under law to Christ."

III. Christ’s Authority to Be Executed Through His Apostles:
         1. Matt. 19:27-28.
         2. Matt. 28:18-20.
         3. Matt. 16:17-19.
         4. Jn. 20:22-23.
         5. II Cor. 5:18-20.
         6. I Jn. 4:6.

IV. Apostles to be Guided by Holy Spirit:
       1. Jn. 14:16-17 -- To be sent to Apostles not to world.
       2. Jn. 14:26 -- To bring to their remembrance what Christ  had taught.
       3. Jn. 16:7-15 -- To convict the world through the teaching of Christ.
       4. Luke 24:49 -- To wait in Jerusalem for coming.
       5. Acts 2: 1 -4, 37 -- Holy Spirit came and through apostolic preaching did convict women
           and men.

V. Preaching of Apostles Confirmed by Miracles:
     (Mark 16:15-18; Heb. 2:1, 4; I Cor. 12:28, 31; I Cor. 13:8-10).
      1. These gifts serve temporary purpose of introducing and confirming New Testament truths.

VI. Completeness of Law Thus Delivered:
        1. Rom. 1:16-17 -- Gospel of Christ contains the righteousness of God from “Faith unto Faith."
        2. II Pet. 1:2-3 -- Through knowledge of Christ furnished unto all things that pertain unto life
            and godliness.
        3. II Tim. 3:14-17 -- Furnished completely unto every good work.
        4. Jude 3 -- Faith once and for all delivered unto the Saints.
        5. Rev. 22: 18-19 -- Must not add to or take from.

The New Testament Scriptures containing God‘s will revealed through Christ and His chosen ambassadors; guided and confirmed in their message by the Holy Spirit, constitute a complete and perfect rule of Faith and practice for God‘s people today -- the Divine Constitution of the Kingdom of God.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. What is the source of all authority?
  2. Through whom did God reveal His authority?
  3. Who is to be heard above all; and, at all times?
  4. How did Christ contrast his authority with that of the Old Testament law?
  5. Through whom did Christ execute his authority? (Give quotations.)
  6. How were the apostles to be guided?
  7. Why did the Holy Spirit come upon the apostles?
  8. How did the apostles confinn their preaching?
  9. What is the completeness of the New Testament?
10. What if it be added to or taken from?


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