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The Church: The Called-Out Body



INTRODUCTION: Many descriptive phrases are applied to the Church in New Testament scriptures. These phrases give emphasis to various features of the Church and set forth its nature. The first six lessons of this series concern these descriptive phrases applied to the Church and therefore constitute a study of The Nature of the Church. They should be studied with this idea in mind.

I. The Meaning of the Term, Church:
   1. Derived from "Kuriakos" meaning "of or belonging to
       the Lord."
   2. Translation of Greek term "Ekklesia" -- the actual
       term used by Jesus and apostles in New Testament.
   3. Literal meaning of term "To Call Out."
   4. The Church then in New Testament Scriptures means
       "A Called Out Body of People."
   5. Word "Church" used in two senses in the New
        a. Referring to all those called out of the world into
             God's service universally. (Matt. 16:18;
             Eph. 5:23-25).
        b. Referring to all those "Called Out" into God's
            service  in any definite locality. (I Cor. 1:2;
            I Thess. 1:1).

II. The Nature of This Calling:
     1. Called of God - a divine calling (I Pet. 5:10; I Cor.
          7:15; II Tim. 1:7-9).
     2. Called into fellowship and peace of Christ-Into one
         Body (I Cor. 1:9; Col. 3:15).
     3. Called to be children of God (Rom. 9:25-26; I Jn.
     4. Called to be Saints (I Cor. 1:2; Rom. 1:7).
     5. A Holy Calling (I Thess. 4:7; II Tim. 1:9;
         I Pet. 1:15).  
     6. A Heavenly Calling (Heb. 3:1).

III. How We Are Called:
     1. Made possible by suffering of Christ (I Pet. 2:21).
     2. Out of Darkness (I Pet. 2:9).
     3. By the Gospel of Christ (II Thess. 2:13-14).

IV. The Hope of This Calling:
      1. That we may be worthy (II Thess. 1:11-12;
          Eph. 4:1-3).
      2. To inherit a blessing (I Pet. 3:9).
      3. Unto perfection (Phil. 3:13-16).
      4. Make our calling and election sure (II Pet. 1:10).

Questions for Discussion:
      1. What is the meaning of the word "church" as it is
          used in the New Testament Scriptures?
      2. In what two senses is it used?
      3. Into whose service are we called?
      4. What relationship with God is established as a
          result of our being called?
      5. What character does this calling demand?
      6. Through what medium are we called?
          (1) Direct operation of the Holy Spirit;
          (2) Prayer or (3) Preaching the Gospel?
      7. What is the ultimate hope of our calling?

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