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Church Government: The Deacons


I. The Meaning of the Term:
      1. General. "Deacon" means waiter, attendant, servant, minister. It is derived from theword
          "diako" which means to run or hasten. The radical  idea of the word "deacon" is active service.
          In this general sense it includes:
          a. Evangelists (Eph. 6:21; Col. 1:7; I Tim. 4:6).
          b. Any and every faithful servant of Christ
              (Jn. 12:26).
      2. Special. From the association of the word with the office and work of bishops and elders, it is
          evidenced that the word "deacon" is used also in an official sense.
          a. Phil. l:l. Here bishops and deacons are distinguished from the saints in general.
      b. I Tim. 3:8-13. Association of an especially qualified group with the elders in this passage
           indicates a regularly constituted or established office.

II. Their Position and Work as Seen From:
1. The meaning of the word "helper", "minister." In contrast to the word bishop which means
             "overseer" the deacon is a helper or servant of the Church, working as does every other
             member of the congregation, under the oversight and in assistance to the bishops of
             the Church.
        2. Acts 6:1-6. From this passage we observe:
            a. These men were selected to relieve the apostles of secular duties and responsibilities
                in order that they might give themselves more fully to spiritual matters.
           b. These men were selected by the congregation and then appointed by the apostles.
           c. The performance of the work for which they were selected constituted the full measure of
               special responsibility.

III. Their Qualifications:       
        1. 1 Tim. 3:8-13.
            a. Grave.
            b. Not double tongued.
            c. Not given to much wine.
            d. Not greedy for money.
            e. Holding the faith in a pure conscience.
            f. Proved.
            g. Husband of one wife.
            h. Ruling their children and homes well.
       2. Acts 6:1-6.
           a. "A man of honest report", a good reputation both within and without the Church.
           b. "Full of the Holy Spirit," bearing its fruits in his life (Gal. 5:22-24).
           c. "Full of Wisdom," a man of prudence and sound judgment.

In general a deacon owes the same service to the Lord and bears the same responsibility as does every Christian. He, however, is one upon whom special responsibility has been laid. The Church, as is true of every institution in the World needs leaders. Men upon whom special responsibility can be placed without being shunned or evaded and in whom there can be found to an outstanding degree the qualities of the real Christian character.


Questions For Discussion: 
  1. Give the general meaning of "deacon."
  2. To What was the tenn finally limited?
  3. How did Paul speak of the Philippian Church  (Phil. 1:1)?
  4. Contrast the meaning of "deacon" and "elder."
  5. Discuss the work of the deacons in the light of (Acts 6:1-6).
  6. Was their work spiritual or temporal?
  7. Give the qualifications of deacons.
  8. Specify the negative marks of their qualifications.
  9. Name the positive marks of their qualifications.
10. Distinguish between the deacons and other members of the congregation..

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