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Church Government: Organization


I. Two Uses of the Word "Church" In the New Testament:   
    1. Universal, comprehensive sense including all saved of the earth (Matt. 16: 18; I Tim. 3:15;
        Eph. 1:22,23). In this sense the family of God, Body of Christ, kingdom of God, are the same (see
        Lessons I to 6 on  "The Nature of the Church“). No organization in universal sense, knows no
        authority but Christ and His word. Whoever does the will of God and obeys the Gospel belongs
        to it (Acts 2:41, 47).
    2. Local Churches, limited sense including all God‘s people in one community. (I Cor. 1:2;
        Rom. 16:16; Acts 14:23; 5:11; 8:1), "In Jerusalem“ (Acts 13:1; 15.22). "In Antioch."

II. The Organization of the Local Church      
       1. An established order (Acts 14:23) "In every Church“ (Titus 1:5) "Set in order the things that
           are lacking."
       2. An independent self-governing unit, always spoken of as separate units (Gal. 1:2)
           "Churches of Galatia" (Gal. 1:22), “Churches of Judea." Several independent Churches in one
           district, but no district organization (I Cor. 14:33, 40). In this comprehensive injunction, given
           to a Church, is implied control of its affairs by the Church.
       3. A plurality of elders in every Church (Acts 14:23),  "Ordained elders in every Church."  Elders of
           the Ephesian Church (Acts 20:17).
       4. Deacons (Phil. 1:1), Bishops and deacons of Phillippian Church.
       5. Members (Rom. 12:4, 16:1, 2; I Cor. 12:27).  Identification with a local Church was a practice
           of New Testament days.

III. Local Organization Only Medium Through Which Early Christians Worked:       
        1. New Testament mentions no other.
        2. Every good work done through local organization (Eph. 3: 10).
            a. Missions (Acts 13:1-3). Sent out by the local church; (Acts 14:25-28). Reported to local
            b. Charity (Acts 11:29, 30). Funds for poor saints in Judea were placed in hands of elders of
                Judean churches to be administered by them.
            c. Various scriptural methods may be used in, carrying on the work of the local Church, but
                other organizations either within or without, such as Ladies‘ Aid Societies or Young Peoples‘
                Societies were unknown then and are therefore unscriptural now.

IV. Cooperation of Local Churches:
         1. Local Churches cooperated in doing their work, but such work was always under the
             supervision of a local church and its eldership (Rom. 15:25-26; II Cor. 8:1-5; Acts 11:28-30).

Questions For Discusasions: 
  1. Give two senses in which the term "Church" is used in the New Testament.
  2. Is there any universal organization of the Church?
  3. What is the mission of the local Church?
  4. How completely were the local Churches organized; give the officials.
  5. What is God's medium of working?
  6. How did the early churches do mission Work, care for the poor, and the work of edification?
       Through what medium?
  7. Give examples of such work.
  8. What is Wrong with the various "aids" societies?
  9. How may local churches cooperate in any good work?
10. Under Whose supervision should all work of the Church be done?


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