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Church Government: The Evangelists




I. The use of the  Term; Meaning "A Proclaimer of Good News"    
     1. Referring to definite work (Eph. 4:11).
     2. Philip designated an Evangelist (Acts 21 :8).
     3. Timothy urged to do the Work of an Evangelist (II Tim. 4:5).

II. The Work of an Evangelist:       
         1. The Work of Philip.
             a. Proclaiming Christ (Acts 8:5, 35). Attended by miracles to confirm the word (Acts 8:6-8;
                 Heb. 2:4). Preached Wherever opportunity afforded (Acts 8:40).
         2. Baptizing those who believed (Acts 8:12, 38).
         3. "Reprove, rebuke, exhort" (II Tim. 4: 1-2).
         4. Complete organization of congregations (Titus 1:5).
         5. Indoctrinate the Church (Titus 1:13; 2: 1, 5).
         6. Perpetuate the Gospel by committing it unto others Who would faithfully teach it (2 Tim 2:2).
         7. Give his time fully to the Lord's work(2 Tim. 4:2; 1 Tim. 4: 13-16; 2 Tim. 2:4-5).
         8. Warn against dangers of apostasy (I Tim. 4:1-6).
         9. Protect the Church from false teachers (I Tim. 1:3).
       10. Assist in building up local churches.
             a. Timothy tarried at Ephesus (I Tim. 1-3).
             b. Titus was left at Crete (Titus 1:5).
       11. To summarize, the work of an Evangelist was:
             a. Preach the Word (II Tim. 4:2).
             b. Guard the Faith (I Tim. 6:20-21).
             c. "Handle aright the word of Truth,“ that is, apply it to all people and conditions as
                 needed (II Tim. 2:15) to the end that men might be saved.

III. Qualifications of an Evangelist:
       1. "Keep thyself pure“ (I Tim. 5:22).
       2. "Gentle, apt to teach, forbearing(2 Tim. 2:22-26).
       3. Diligent (I1 Tim. 2: 15, 16).
       4. Steadfast in the faith, loyal in the truth, refusing false speculative doctrines and
           uncompromising toward those that teach them (I Tim. 6:3-11; 4:1, 6; II Tim. 3:14-17; 4:1-5).
       5. An example to them that believe (I Tim. 4:12).
       6. Careful both as to himself and What he teaches (I Tim. 4:16)..




Evangelists today, that is, those who undertake to spread the Gospel by publicly teaching and preaching it, should strive to fit themselves into these requirements of the New Testament as perfectly as possible. The word of God already confirmed and existing now in written form that we might appeal to it for evidence that we are preaching the truth; miracles are no longer needed for that purpose as in New Testament days.

Questions For Discussion:
  1. Define the word "evangelist."
  2. Give some examples.
  3. Give the work of an evangelist.
      a. What did Philip do in evangelizing?
      b. How did Paul instruct Timothy and Titus?
      c. Give a summary of the work of an evangelist.
  4. Name some of the qualifications of an evangelist.
  5. How careful should all evangelists be as to conduct?
  6. Should the evangelist be under the supervision of the church of his community?
  7. Should he be amenable to the eldership of the Church?
  8. If the evangelist will not identify himself with some church, does he have any right to
      expect support from any congregation?.



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