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The Church's Mission: Evangelism


INTRODUCTION: The next four lessons are given to a discussion and study of the mission of the church. It should be remembered that as a divine institution the church has a divine mission. It is neither political, nor social, but altogether spiritual in its design. Its concern is not the entertainment of people but the saving of souls.

The primary mission of the New Testament Church is to "evangelize" the world. The word "evangelism" comes from a Greek word meaning "good news"; the “evangelist," therefore, is a proclaimer of good news.



I. The Importance of This Work:


     l. First seen in the universal need of salvation.
        a. Rom. 3:9-10 -- All under sin.
        b. Rom. 3:23 -- All have sinned and fallen short.
        c. Gal. 3:22 -- All things under sin.
        d. Eph. 2: 1-5 -- Dead in trespasses and sins.
        e. Eph. 2:12 -- Having no hope, without God.
    2. The Gospel of Christ is God‘s power to save (Rom. 1:16-17).
        a. I Cor. 15: 1-4 -- Corinthians saved by Gospel.
        b. Acts 11:14 -- Words to save Cornelius.
        c. I Cor. 4:15 -- Begotten by the Gospel(I Pet. 1:23).
        d. John 15:3 -- Cleansed by the words of Christ.
        e. Matt. 13:19; Lk. 8:11 -- Word of God is the Seed of the Kingdom.
        f. II Cor. 4:3-4 -- Those to whom Gospel is veiled perish.
        g. Eph. 3:6 -- Partakers of promises of Christ.
        h. Acts 20:32 -- Able to give inheritance among sanctified.
         i. II Tim. 1:10 -- Life and immortality brought to light.
         j. Rom. 16:25-27 -- Made known unto obedience of faith.



II.  The Church is God's Agency in This Work of Evanglization
       1. Matt. 20: 1-16 -- The Church compared to householder who goes out to hire laborers into
           the vineyard.
       2. Acts 13:1-3 -- The Church the sending agency.
       3. Matt. 13:3-9 -- The Church the sowing agency.
       4. I Tim. 3:14-15 -- The Church the pillar and ground of truth.
       5. Eph. 3:10 -- Wisdom of God to be made known through church.
       6. Eph. 3:21 -- God to be glorified in the Church throughout all ages.
       7. Eph. 4:11-12 -- Building up body of Christ mission of Church.



III. Local Congregations Were the Medium Through Which This Work of the Church Was
       Done in New Testament Days.
   They Were the Only Missionary Organizations of the
       New Testament Church:

       1. Churches of Macedonia (II Cor. 11:8-9).
       2. Church at Thessalonica (I Thess. 1:2-8).
       3. Church at Philippi (Phil. 1:3-5; 2:25-30; 4:14-20).
       4. Church at Antioch (Acts 13:1-3; 14:27-28).
       5. Jerusalem Church (Acts 8:1-5).




IV. The Plan Followed in New Testament Days in Propagating the Gospel:
        1. Acts 1:8 -- Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, unto the uttermost parts of the earth.




Questions for Discussion:



  1. Define the word "evangelism."
  2. What is the universal need of every one? Why?
  3. What is God‘s only appointed means to save the World? Give the proof.
  4. What is God's agency to evangelize the world?
  5. How is this demonstrated in the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard?
  6. What is to be the sending agency?
  7. What is the Church in respect to the support of the truth?
  8. In what way is the Church the "building up" agency?
  9. Give some New Testament Churches that were centers of missionary Work.
10. What Was the divine order of evangelizing the world (Acts 1:8)?


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