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Church Mission: Ministry To the Poor



I. The Lesson as Taught by Christ:         
     1. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
     2. Opportunity to do good to one in need (Lk. 10:36-37; Gal. 6:10).
     3. Those who should have been first to help, passed him by -- the Priest and Levite (Lk. 10:31-32).
     4. Samaritan, though he Was hated and despised by the Jews, had mercy and helped.
     5. He loved his neighbor (Luke 10:33-37).

II. The Basis Upon Which Such Work Is to be Done:
       1. Self consecration (II Cor. 8:3-5).
       2. Love (II Cor. 8:8).
           a. Proving our love by our liberality and generosity (II Cor. 8:24).
           b. Love in deed and truth (I Jn. 3:17, 18).
       3. Gratitude (I Jn. 3: 16; II Cor. 8:9).
       4. Sympathy (I Cor. 12:25, 26; Gal. 6:2).
       5. To glorify God (II Cor. 9:12, 15).
       6. To keep our hearts centered on God (I Tim. 6:17-19).

III. A Part of the Mission of the Early Church:
       1. Rom. l2:13;Rom. 15:25-27;ICor. 16:15.
       2. Eph. 4:12 -- Unto the work of ministering.

IV. The New Testament Plan of Operation in Performing This Ministry:
       1. Individual: Dorcas (Acts 9:36-43).
       2. Congregational (Acts 11:29-30; 2:43-45; II Cor.12 "According to ability.")
           a. (II Cor. 8:14 -- "That there may be equality.")
      3. Congregational co-operation in caring for the needy Saints (II Cor. 8:18-21).
      4. Plan for raising these funds (I Cor. 16:1-2).
          a. Contributed into common treasury, "Lay by in store."
          b. Regularly "upon the first day of the Week."
          c. Individual "each one of you."
          d. Proportionate "as you have been prospered.“
          e. Out of the willingness, purpose, and confidence of the heart (II Cor. 9:6-1 1)

Questions For Discussion:
  1. How did Jesus emphasize caring for the poor?
  2. How is one to be "neighborly?"
  3. Name some things that should be the basis of caring for the needy.
  4. How is love always expressed?
  5. To succeed in the "ministering to the poor,“ on whom must our hearts be centered?
  6. Give references that indicate the early churches cared for the poor.
  7. Tell how the early disciples cared for the poor; What was the plan of operation?
  8. Give some examples of each method.
  9. What plans were used in financing this work?
10. What is Wrong in using other plans?


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