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Church Mission: Personal Evangelism


I. Christian Responsibility Is Personal in Its  Nature:

     1. Matt. 25: 14-15 -- Parable of Talents: each man made responsible for what he was able to do.
     2. Matt. 25:26-30 -- Consequence of failure to meet responsibility seen in failure of one talent
     3. Rom. 1:14 -- Paul's sense of responsibility.


II. Means of Fulfilling Our Personal Responsibility:    
       1. Teaching and preaching the Gospel of Christ to others, both publicly and privately:
           a. Rom. 1:15; Acts 20:20, 24, 27 - Paul thus discharged his obligations.
       2. Sending others and holding up their hands in such Work:
           a. The example of the Philippians (Phil. 1:3-5; 4:15-16).
           b. Necessity of someone sending (Rom. 10:15).
       3. Influence of righteous lives and faithful service:
           a. Our lives are letters read by others (II Cor. 3:2-3).
           b. Christian influence compared by Christ to the saving power of salt and light of world
               (Matt. 5:13-16).


III. Some New Testament Examples:
1. Andrew immediately upon being called by the Savior found his own brother and
             brought him to Jesus (Jn. 1:40-42).
         2. Philip carried the good news of his discovery of Christ to Nathaniel (J n. 1:43-51).
         3. Paul became all things to all men, that is, he used every legitimate means and made
             every sacrifice in order to save others (I Cor. 9:19-23).


IV. The World is the Field--Our Opportunity for such
        Work Is UnLimited:

       (Matt. 13:38; Luke 10:1-2; Jn. 4:35-38).


V. The Successful Soul-Winner:      
       1. The blessedness of it (Dan. 12:3; James 5:19-20).
       2. Must be persevering -- Go at all hours (Matt. 20:1-16).
       3. Must have love for souls ofmen (I Jn. 4:9; Eph. 5:2).
       4. Must be prayerful -- Example of Christ (Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12).
       5. Must know your Bible (I1 Tim. 2:15); Be careful what you teach to others(I Cor. 3:10;
           I Tim. 6:3-5; I Tim. 4:16).
      6. A purpose. A definite effort to persuade a definite person to accept Christ at a definite time --


Questions For Discussion:
  l. What of Christian responsibilpp
      b. What if one fails to discharge his responsibility?
      c. To what extent should one go to discharge his responsibility?
  2. Name ways in which one may fulfill his responsibility?
      a. Give a notable example.
      b. How did Jesus enforce this lesson?
  3. Name two examples of person evangelism.
  4. To What extent did Paul go to reach the lost With the Gospel?
  5. How extensive is the field of labor for Christian evangelism?
  6. Name some blessings that attend the soul winner.



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