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The Church: The Vineyard of the Lord




I. Sowing the Seed (Matt. 13:3-9); Parable of the Sower: (Matt. 13:18-23);
    Parable of Sower Explained:
    1. Church sowing agency today (Phil. 1:4-5; 2:15-16; I Thess. 1:8; I Tim. 3:15).
    2. Gospel is the seed (Luke 8:11).
    3. Seed must not be mixed (Deut. 22:9); corrupted with doctrines and commandments of men
         (Matt. 15:8; Col. 2:20, 23).

II. Laborers in Vineyard:
      1. Matt. 21:28-31.
          a. Divine call -- "Go work."
          b. Divine relationship -- "Son."
          c. Divine time -- "Today."
          d. Divine place -- "In my Vineyard."
      2. Matt. 20:1-16.
          a. Hiring more laborers.
          b. Went out early in the morning and all through the day -- diligence and zeal.
          c. Why there were eleventh hour idlers--"because no man hath hired us." Can this be said
              of us?
      3. Matt. 21:33-46.
          a. God's wrath upon the Jew for abusing His gracious provisions (Matt. 21:41- 44).
          b. We must be faithful (I Cor. 4:1-2; II Cor. 4:1-2).

III. The Place of Labor:
        1. In the Vineyard:
            a. Wisdom of God made known through the Church (Eph. 3:10-11).
        2. Glorify God in the Church (Eph. 3:21).

IV. Fruit to be Borne for God:
        (Jn. 15:8; Rom. 7:4).
        1. Rom. 11:20-23. To stand by faith or faithfulness.
        2. Matt. 21:18-19. The curse of being unfaithful (Jn. 15:2, 6).
        3. How?
            a. Brotherly love (Jn. 15:12).
            b. Caring for poor (Rom. 15:26-28).
            c. Every good work (Col. 1:10).
           d. Fruits of Spirit (Gal. 5:16, 22-23).
           e. Abiding in Christ (Jn. 15:5-7).
           f. Contributing (Phil. 4:15-17).
           g. Christian growth (I Pet. 2:1-2).
           h. Hiring laborers into vineyard (Matt. 20:1-9; Jn. 4:35-38; Luke 10:2).





V. The Reward at the End of the Day:      
     (Matt. 20:8; II Tim. 4:6-8; I Pet. 1:3-5, 9; Rev. 2:10).






Questions for Discussion:  
1. Who are laborers in God's vineyard today (Matt. 21:28)?  
2. Is there any other field of labor in which we may glorify God?  
3. How diligent ought we to be in the Lord's vineyard?  
4. Why are not many people laboring in the Lord's vineyard (Matt. 20:7)?  
5. How may fruit be borne?  
6. When shall we receive the reward of our labors?  
7. What is the seed that is to be planted in the vineyard?  
8. What if this seed is mixed with human teaching?  
9. Upon what divine relationship does service in the vineyard depend (Matt. 21:28-31)?
10. What feature of the Church does this figure emphasize?





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