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Worship: Finances #1


INTRODUCTION: This problem must first be solved with the individual. Money is not inherently bad.  Its character depends upon the character of him that possesses it. The danger is loving, trusting in it, andf does not constitute a vice any more than poverty constitutes a virtue. Allowing money to develop the wrong attitude d failing to consecrate its power to the glory and honor of God is the thing the scriptures condemn and Warn against.

I. The Warning Illustrated:
     1. The rich man and Lazarus (Lk. 16:19-30). The picture here is that of a man lavishing upon
          himself all the luxuries his wealth could provide ased, helpless beggar at his gate.   One
          who loves what money will buy, so that he refuses the beggar at the gate cannot be saved.
      2. The rich young ruler(Matt. 19:16-22; Mk. 10:7-22; Lk. 18:18-23). Here is a young man who had 
          conquered the appetites of his flesh to the extent of living a clean moral life, but he had not
          conquered his heart. He loved his possessions more than he loved God. He wanted his money 
          more than eternal life.
      3. The rich fool (Lk. 12:13-21). This is the pitiful scene of a man who foolishly thought he could 
          secure his future by heaping together material possessions. He spent his Whole life in the task,
          and when he thought he was secure he discovered he had made no preparation at all
          (Psa. 39:6).

II. Warnings in General:
      1. The justice of God does not reward riches  (Job 34:19).
      2. Riches cannot provide for the soul (Psa. 49:1-7; 62:10; Matt. 6: 19-24).
      7. To trust in riches will cause one to fall . Increasing wealth causes one to be "lifted up"
          (Ezek. 28:1-10).
      9. Deceitfulness chokes out word of God (Matt. 13:22; Mk. 4:19; Lk. 8: 14).
    10. Those minded to be rich subject to danger (I Tim. 6:9-10).
     l1. The duty of the rich (I Tim. 6:17-19).
    12. The difficulty of rich being saved (Matt. 6:21; Lk. 18:24).
    13. What rich man was told to do to be saved e saved (Lk. 19:1-10).

III. The Remedy:
        1. Laying up treasure in heaven (Lk. 18:22; Matt. 6: 19-24; Lk. 12:21-23).
        2. Rich in good works (I Tim. 6:17).
        3. Trust in God, not in riches (I Tim. 6:17).
        4. Be faithful as stewards (Lk. 16:11).
        5. Abound in richness of liberality (II Cor. 8:2).
        6. The example of Moses (Heb. 11:26).
        7. Beware of covetousness (Col. 3:5; Lk. 12:15; Eph. 5:3; I Cor. 6:10).

Questions For Discussion:

  1. Show that the character of the possessor of money makes it good or bad.
  2. Show how the Bible wams against riches; give table examples.
  3. How is a good name compared with riches?
  4. How long can one retain his possessions?
  5. Give the quotation on the dangers of those "minded to be rich."
  6. What did Zacchaeus do to be saved?
  7. In what should all be rich?
  8. All are to be faithful in what?
  9. Tell of the sacrifice of Moses.
10. Of what must all beware?


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