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Worship: Church Finances #3

INTRODUCTION: The Lord has presented a plan for financing the work of the Church in New Testament scriptures. As in the case of every other plan God has given it must be put into operation by faithfulness upon the part of Christians. The obligation is an individual one. We must work the plan and the plan will work.

I. The Individual in God's Plan:
     1. Giving to be an individual matter, "Let each one of you" (I Cor. 16:1-2).
     2. Individual enterprise to make it possible (I Thess. 4:1 1-12; II Thess. 3: 10-13; Eph. 4:28).
         The Church is not to enter into some business enterprise in order to be able to finance its work.

II. The Motive in Giving:
      1. A divine command (Matt. 5:42; Lk. 6:38).
      2. Helping the poor will obtain the Lord's help (Psa. 41 :1-3).
      3. Makes us God like (Lk. 6:35-38).
      4. It enlarges the heart when sincerely done and purifies it of petty sciuples and burdensome
          follies (Lk. 11:38-42).
      5. It lends acceptance to our prayers (Acts 10: 1-4).
      6. A means of laying up treasure in Heaven (I Tim. 6:17-19).
      7. It opens for those who practice it the doorway into the bounties of God‘s grace (Gal. 6:6-l0;
          II Cor. 9:6; Lk. 6:38).
      8. It is the means of glorifying God (II Cor. 9: 12-15).
      9. It is the Way to be happy (Acts 20:35).

III. The Manner of Giving:
        1. The New Testament plan (I Cor. 16:1-2).
             a. Periodic, "Upon the first day of the week."
             b. Personal, "Let each one of you."
             c. Provident, "Lay by him in store."
             d. Proportionate, "As he may prosper."
             e. Preventive, "That there be no collections when I come."
             Note: Sometimes it is argued that this is the plan for raising money only for benevolences in
             the Church. It remains, however, that divine wisdom led Paul to give  this plan to Corinth for
             raising money and good reasoning will convince one that if it will work in raising money for
             one righteous cause, it will work for another and for all.
        2. Other principles governing the matter of giving.
            a. Voluntary, the free will offering of a willing heart and an open hand "not grudgingly nor of
                necessity" (II Cor. 9:7).
            b. Purposeful, planned, systematic. "Let each man do according as he hath purposed in his
                own heart“ (II Cor. 9:7).  Planned program of giving toward making that work possible.
            c. Confidently. He who believes God‘s promises can give liberally without any fear of being
                caused to suffer by so doing (II Cor. 9:8-l l; Matt. 6:33).

IV. Measure of Giving:
       1. Measured by ability "as prospered"(I Cor. 16:1-2). “Acceptable according to ability“ (II Cor. 8:12).
       2. "Bountifully, not sparingly" (II Cor. 9:6).
       3. The grace of liberality (II Cor. 8:2, 6,7). Not how little but how much can we give and how great
            is the need is the principle of liberality (Acts 2:45).

Questions For Discussion:
  1. What of the completeness of the Lord's plan of financing the Church?
  2. What of the individual in financing the Lord's work?
  3. What is everyone to do to execute the Lord‘s plan?
  4. Why should all Christians give?
  5. Give the nine reasons for giving.
  6. How should each one give?
  7. Analyze the plan of I Cor. 16:1-2.
  8. How is purposefulness and cheerfulness to characterize one‘s giving?
  9. What is the measure of the Christian‘s giving?
10. What is the "grace" of liberality?


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