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Church Unity: Undenominational Character


I. Undenominational in Scope:
     1. The word "Church" means the "Called Out." (See lesson I). The Church includes, therefore, all
          who have been called out into God's service and could not be correctly used in a
          denominational sense.   The word "denomination" suggests a fraction or part of the Whole. 
          The Church of God is not a part or fraction of anything.
     2. In scope the Church of God includes all the saved.
         a. God does the adding (Acts 2:41-47).
         b. Those who compose the Church are enrolled in Heaven -- no mistakes made in this
              enrollment (Heb. 12:22-23). Whereas the Church of God includes every saved person on
              earth, there is no denomination that makes such a claim.

II.  Church Universal Always Referred to in the Sinular:
      1. Matt. 16:18 -- "My Church."
      2. Matt. 3:2 --"The Kingdom of Heaven."
      3. Eph. 1:22-23 -- "The Church, which is His Body."
III. Its Singular Characater Emphasized
       1. It is called "The Body“ (Eph. 1:22, 23; Col. 1:18). (See lesson IV).
           a. One body (Rom. 12:4, 5; I Cor. 12:20; Eph. 4:4).
           b. Many members, no schism (I Cor. 12:20, 25).
           c. One head, Christ (Eph. 1:21, 23).
       2. "The Kingdom“ (Matt. 13:24, 31, 33, 44, 45; Col. 1:13). (See Lesson III).
           a. Must be united (Lk. 11:17).
           b. Under Christ as King (Lk. 23:1. 3; Jn. 18:37).
       3. The Family (Heb. 3:6; Eph. 2:19; 3:15). (See Lesson II).
           a. All of God's children are in God's family.
           b. God has but one family.
           c. That family is the Church.
           d. Therefore all of God's children are in the Church.
       4. The "Bride of Christ" (Eph. 5:22, 32). There is but one bridegroom, Christ. There is but one
           bride, the Church.
IV. To Preserve its Undenominational Character the
      Church Must Have:

        1. No denominational name (I Cor. 1:12, 15; Col. 3:17; Acts 4:11, 12).
        2. No denominational creed, recognizing no authority but Christ (Matt. 28:18, 20). Under
            law to Him alone (I Cor. 9:21; Gal. 6:2).
        3. No denominational organization. Only the local Church with its elders, deacons, and
            evangelists.   The only organization of New Testament days (Phil. 1:1; Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5).
        4. Uncorrupted Worship; following the New Testament plan (Phil. 4:9; Heb. 8:5; Jn. 4:24;
            Jn. 1:17).
        5. No entangling alliances. The Church must not lose her identity in any movement and must
            remain free from political, economical and secular involvements(Phil. 2:12,16;
            2 Cor. 6:14-18).
        6. No denominational requirements for church membership. Asking people to do only what
            people were told to do in New Testament days (Mk. 16:15, 16; Acts 2:41).

The only explanation for the existence of denominations in the world today is;
     (1) disregard for Christ's authority, and
     (2) a corruption of God's plan of teaching, work and worship.

Questions to Consider:
  1. Define the word "Church."
  2. Now, show that it is necessarily undenominational.
  3. Show that the Church includes all the saved. ls this true of any denomination?
  4. How is the universal idea of the Church always expressed?
  5. Name some peculiar characteristics of the Church.
  6. What things are suggested by the terms: "body", "kingdom," "family of God," and the "bride and
  7. How may undenominational Christianity be secured?
  8. Denominations exist today at the expense of what?
  9. What do denominational leaders disregard?
10. How do the denominations corrupt the New Testament?


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